Leveraging Technology to Assess Student Learning | Poe AI: How to Use It to Teach | Talking Tech: 4 Strategies to Help Districts Manage the Device Boom
“The good thing about using technology for assessment purposes is that students have the chance to demonstrate their learning by using exciting tools,” writes Dr. Stephanie Smith Budhai. “And students may not realize that they are being assessed, which has the potential for them to demonstrate their learning without the fear of failure.”
Poe AI is a single digital space that accesses lots of different LLM AI resources. Hence the name, which stands for Platform for Open Exploration. So from Claude and ChatGPT to Gemini and Dall-E, this has more than 70 AI brains available for you to use.
Schools are now tasked with ensuring each student has access to a device as well as navigating developing systems to manage repairs, replacements, and secure internet access for thousands of tablets, Chromebooks, and other devices. By implementing efficient management practices, districts can help maximize the effectiveness of their investments and maintain a seamless learning experience.
Decades after his death, Dr. King's nonviolent struggle for equality and justice remains highly relevant to today's students and teachers. The free lessons and activities provide a wide range of approaches to teaching about him, from a simple word search for younger learners to thought-provoking, in-depth lesson plans for middle and high school students.
Looking to find new and exciting ways to incorporate AI into your teaching? Check out these recent overviews from Tech & Learning, all written by real, naturally intelligent people!
"As AI papers have become more common, I’m getting better and better at spotting them," writes educator Erik Ofgang. "Thanks to my own observations and conversations with colleagues, I’ve developed what I think is a pretty solid AI detection toolkit."
Brisk is an AI teaching assistant tool that's designed to save teacher prep, marking, and general assessment time with useful automations. The idea here is to take what a teacher would normally do, and automate all the administrative parts to work smarter not harder.
Analysis of 50 years of research argues that there isn’t strong evidence for the academic advantages of placing children with disabilities in general education classrooms.
A scant 2% of STEM majors who arrive at college needing to take precalculus manage to earn a STEM bachelor’s degree, while those who didn’t progress past algebra 2 in high school have a less than 40% chance of earning any four-year degree whatsoever.
Job interviewers often ask why you chose your career. But once you’re established, do you self-reflect on those goals? If you know your ‘why,’ parlay it into a set of directions that will motivate your daily work.
No matter the sport, it’s the coach’s job to help players fix their mistakes. But how best to correct them, so that instead of feeling wounded or demoralized, the kid feels motivated to improve?