Chicken Soup for the Soul: Positively Pets

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Positively Pets

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Watchful Devotion
From Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Very Good, Very Bad Dog
By Cris Kenney

Fun fact: It’s believed that the Icelandic Sheepdog was brought to Iceland in the late 9th or early 10th century by Viking settlers.

My finger slipped. The word escaped me: “Oops.” My dog, Kai, hurtled across the room, barely cleared the screen of my laptop, and landed squarely on my chest. I laughed even as I scrambled to shift my laptop to a side table — an awkward task with twenty-five pounds of Icelandic Sheepdog on top of me — then wrapped my arms around him, ruffling the long, silky fur that had never really lost its puppy softness. “I’m fine, bud. I made a typo. Okay? A typo. I’m fine. I promise.”

He was not immediately convinced, but I made my breathing slow and calm as I petted him, and after a minute or so he seemed to conclude that all was indeed well here. He hopped up over my shoulder and onto the back of my chair, where he sprawled like a cat resting lazily on a branch, draping down to rest his nose and one front paw by my ear. (Keep reading)

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Pets & More

Girl holding grey cat in her arms

February 17th is Random Act of Kindness Day. Take a simple, random act of kindness and turn it into lifetime of giving. Support your local animal shelter today. Read our Chicken Soup for the Soul Pets blog on some creative ways to volunteer in your community.


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People love our humor books and we’re already working on the one for 2026! Share your funniest stories with our readers! Click here for more information on how to submit, including writing guidelines and other FAQs. There will be 101 stories, so there are lots of opportunities to become a published author with Chicken Soup for the Soul!