Reminder Community Meeting for Bren Mar Park ES - Feb. 27

Dear Bren Mar Park Community,

This is a reminder that the Bren Mar Park Elementary School pre-construction meeting will be held on Thursday, February 27, at 6:30 p.m., in the school cafeteria. Language interpretation services will be available.

The project is in Phase 0 which includes activities such as surveying, stakeout, and site reviews while the contractor awaits approval for a Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) permit in order to mobilize onsite. These preliminary activities may result in visible construction-related work around the school; however, major construction is not expected to begin until early spring.

For more information about the project, visit the Bren Mar Park Elementary School Renovation webpage.We look forward to your participation and seeing you at the meeting. 

Fairfax County Public Schools

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