Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: We’ve been in our new home for about nine months. Two months ago, the couple we bought it from dropped by unannounced. I was out front with our dogs and said hello, figuring they were on their way to see the neighbors or something. After a brief chat, they asked to come inside and see what we had done with “our house.” I politely declined since I’d just gotten home, had the dogs to walk, and just wanted to relax and watch some TV. I suggested they come another time, letting us know beforehand, but they seemed annoyed and drove off in a huff. This week, they repeated this performance — no text, no phone call, just roared up into our driveway and demanded to get into our house. I again declined to let them in. Our neighbor later asked why we can’t do this small favor for them, meaning they tattled on us to our neighbors. My wife is saying if they pull this again, we have to let them in to keep good relations with our neighbors, but I say I’m not going to be bullied by these rude busybodies who think they have some kind of claim on our house. What do you say? — We Bought This House |