The following advertisement from Heifer International has been sent to you via Mother Jones' email list. Mother Jones is a nonprofit, and most of our budget comes from readers like you, but revenue from advertisers helps us produce more of the hard-hitting journalism you expect. We never disclose your information to an advertiser. Mother Jones does not endorse any candidate, political organization, commercial product, or service, and the views expressed in this email do not constitute any endorsement or recommendation by Mother Jones.
Hi friend,
Today is Giving Tuesday, a national day of philanthropy that celebrates kind-hearted people — like you — coming together and supporting the causes that matter most to them.
Your passion for ending hunger around the world is inspiring, and we're grateful that you see how Heifer International reflects your values in responsible, innovative and sustainable philanthropy. Thank you for placing your trust in us to steward your contributions to make the greatest possible impact.
That’s why we wanted to make sure you had the chance to make your most impactful gift during our Giving Tuesday 4X matching gift window.
Until midnight tonight, all gifts will be matched to help FOUR TIMES the number of hungry families in need.
In millions of homes around the world, families struggle to feed their loved ones. But imagine leaving a lasting legacy — one where parents everywhere can feed their families three nutritious meals a day. You can create that reality when you send a gift for Giving Tuesday.
So please send your gift and have it matched (4X) today!
Your support is the start of a promising future for a family in need. Thank you for trusting Heifer and joining us in our mission.
Thank you,
Heifer International
Disclaimer: All gifts given by 11:59 PM CST 12/3/24 will be quadruple matched until the match limit of $1,700,000 is met. Every $1 you give will be matched with $3 for 4X the impact. Monthly gifts will be quadruple matched for the first 12 months. Gifts received after the match limit has been met will still directly fund our life-saving work worldwide.
Under IRS guidelines, the estimated value of the benefits received is not substantial; therefore, the full amount of your gift is a deductible contribution. Heifer’s Cow Print Tote offer is good for one-time gifts of $35 or more OR monthly gifts $15 or more. Your premium will arrive within twelve weeks. Offer ends December 3, 2024.
© 2024 Heifer International
1 World Ave, Little Rock, AR 72202
855.9HUNGER (855.948.6437)
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