Special Announcement! New NOAA Ocean, Weather, and Climate Animated Series Launched Today!
Teek and Tom Explore Planet Earth Launches Today!
Join intrepid student explorer Teek from planet Queloz and NOAA scientist Tom Di Liberto as they explore how the ocean influences weather and climate on Earth, and the technologies scientists use to gather information about our planet.
This dynamic five-part animated series is accessible and entertaining for kids and science enthusiasts of all ages. Each episode is supplemented by two educator-ready standards-aligned lessons for students in the fourth through sixth grades. The lessons support the videos in telling a cohesive story about key Earth systems and how those systems impact each other. Through the exploration of NOAA data, visualizations, and other content, students will learn how the ocean-weather-climate connection makes the planet tick.
Teek travels to planet Earth and meets NOAA climate scientist Tom Di Liberto. Together, they team up to explore Earth’s ocean and atmosphere to learn the difference between weather and climate.
“The ocean has a huge influence on our weather and climate!” Teek and Tom explore how the ocean impacts coastal temperatures and weather systems — like thunderstorms — even a thousand miles away.
Teek and Tom explore how the ocean influences weather and climate to the EXTREME — causing weather events like hurricanes, thunderstorms, and floods; and climate trends such as more or less rain than normal during a season.
Teek and Tom journey through space, and kick back at a movie theater, to learn all about the cool technologies scientists use to monitor Earth’s ocean and atmosphere — from satellites to submarines!
Teek presents their final project to the rest of the class with a focus on how Earth’s climate is changing, what those changes mean for the health of the planet, and how by continuing to work together we can solve big problems!
Discover hundreds of videos about our amazing world and how we learn about it at
Discover a wealth of ocean and Earth science resources for educators, students, and kids at NOAA Ocean Service Education
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