January 16

I need, for a given conversation of some media type, to retrieve its current status. The only endpoint that I think meets my needs is /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId} (, which according to the documentation should return state.

But something is wrong! Either I'm doing something wrong (but I don't understand how) or there is something wrong with either the documentation or the API, because whatever I send for conversation id, state is always omitted in the response. And according to the documentation, the endpoint should return State already at the top level. All other values ​​are displayed as they should. I've tried the conversation of different media types, as well as both older and newer conversations. But state is always omitted!

I can loop through participants and for each of them check the current media type and retrieve its state there and then based on these try to determine the current status of the conversation, but it feels complicated because I don't know what type of media the current interaction is. And I don't think it should be necessary either!

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