So, you know how to build a circuit from instructions - now what? Building circuits from instructions is great! And it's usually the first skill you'll learn in electronics. So, well done! But the problem is that you're limited to building what you can find instructions for... Wouldn't you love to be able to design your own circuits for whatever idea you have? Not only could you build cool things for your home, model railway, garage, guitar, or whatever. But you can also make the ideas of others a reality (and even get paid to do so). (You still need to look up things, but now you look up concepts you're unfamiliar with instead of a specific project.) Many dream about getting there. But only a few take the necessary steps needed to get there. That's because very few know the steps needed to get there. Once you understand these key points, everything else gets easier. Then it's about practicing breaking free from the instructions, little by little. You can do this no matter if you're 12 or 90 years old. Over at Ohmify, understanding these key points and practicing breaking free from instructions has always been the core of what we do. If you want to know more, you can click this link - or reply to this email if you have any questions. Breaking free from instructions isn't complicated - it's fun! At least if you're like me and you enjoy solving problems, building things, and seeing them work. |