Here's what he text me:
I entered into adulthood with less-than-zero self-worth. I had no
self-esteem, whatsoever. And my self-image couldn't have been worse. It is only in recent years that I consider myself a human being.
Just like any other man, I was still attracted to beautiful women. But my self-image was so low that I felt like I had to settle because I didn't have the right to ask for anything good.
But after being in a few really bad relationships with some really bad
women, I stumbled across your videos.
I didn't trust my own judgment. Instead, I decided to lean on what you were teaching and exercise a leap of faith.
Fast forward: I hit the gym. I pushed really hard to improve myself and work around my disability. I carried myself differently. I didn't exhibit any fear when talking to women - even if I was feeling it. I
really had to trust your ideas because I feel like I had so many things against me.
I have cerebral palsy.
I am old. I turn 50 this upcoming October.
I'm balding. I can't tell you how much I hate that...
And I have a very intellectual personality
by default... it's not exactly sexy.
But right on cue, I started attracting and dating (with lots of really fun intimacy) absolutely gorgeous women.
Every time it would happen, my mouth would hang open on the inside. It's happened so much that I now consider it "normal". If I could go back
in a time machine and tell myself what would happen - I wouldn't believe me, even if it was coming from my own lips.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you. You really help people. And you really helped me. I really needed help. I don't know that you'll ever understand the depth and breadth of what you did for me by putting your information out there - but it's priceless and I appreciate it more than you will ever
I'm going to attach some pictures of me and the women I've dated just for reference. But thank you, again. - Joel
Here are the pictures he sent me of the women he's been dating...