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WuXi AppTec sells med­ical de­vice test­ing unit; Lay­offs at Notch Ther­a­peu­tics Read in browser
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17 January, 2025
A year of contrasts: biotech investment soars, exit linger
New SVB report reveals a banner year for investments in biotech.
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top stories
1. Ozempic makes list for next round of Medicare drug price negotiations
2. Novo claims high-dose Phase 3 Wegovy win but sales impact might be muted
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WuXi AppTec sells medical device testing unit; Layoffs at Notch Therapeutics
4. AstraZeneca wins BTK race to market in first-line mantle cell lymphoma
5. After three-month delay, Amgen’s Lumakras clinches FDA green light in colorectal cancer
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Kathy High leads GV, ARCH-backed eye disease biotech; Arvinas commercial exec steps down
7. Roche's cardiometabolic chief warns against weight loss 'obsession' with GLP-1s
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Max Gelman

As a programming note, we’re observing the holiday on Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and won’t be sending any newsletters. We’ll be back in your inboxes bright and early Tuesday morning.

Max Gelman
Senior Editor, Endpoints News
Credit: Shutterstock
by Nicole DeFeudis

No­vo Nordisk’s block­buster GLP-1 prod­ucts Ozem­pic and We­govy are among the next 15 drugs sub­ject to the gov­ern­ment’s Medicare ne­go­ti­a­tion pro­gram un­der the In­fla­tion Re­duc­tion Act, fol­low­ing re­peat­ed calls from law­mak­ers to make the treat­ments more af­ford­able.

The list came weeks be­fore the gov­ern­men­t's dead­line, kick­ing off a new cy­cle that’s slat­ed to take place un­der the in­com­ing Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion. To­geth­er, the 15 drugs cost Medicare Part D about $41 bil­lion from No­vem­ber 2023 through Oc­to­ber 2024.

Com­bined with the first 10 drugs sub­ject to Medicare ne­go­ti­a­tions, the 25 drugs ac­count­ed for 36% of Medicare Part D spend­ing dur­ing the same pe­ri­od.

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by Elizabeth Cairns

Fol­low­ing the poor­er-than-hoped per­for­mance of Ca­griSe­ma last month, No­vo Nordisk need­ed an em­phat­ic clin­i­cal suc­cess with its high-dose ver­sion of We­govy. The obe­si­ty drug did not quite man­age one.

A tri­al as­sess­ing the high-dose form of the in­ject­ed GLP-1 met its pri­ma­ry end­point, the com­pa­ny said Fri­day — but the weight loss fell short of that seen in a tri­al of Eli Lil­ly’s ri­val prod­uct Zep­bound. No­vo’s shares NVO dipped 4% in ear­ly trade as in­vestors con­sid­ered the da­ta, as well as ques­tions around man­u­fac­tur­ing and pric­ing.

No­vo said that pa­tients giv­en high-dose We­govy for 72 weeks lost 20.7% of their body weight. Tri­al sub­jects giv­en the ap­proved We­govy dose lost 17.5%, and place­bo pa­tients saw a weight re­duc­tion of 2.4%. These fig­ures were based on a per-pro­to­col analy­sis, which elim­i­nates pa­tients who did not ad­here to treat­ment.

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News Briefing: Quick hits from the biopharma web

Plus, news about Neur­i­zon:

WuXi AppTec di­vests again: The com­pa­ny is sell­ing its US med­ical de­vice test­ing op­er­a­tions, in­clud­ing fa­cil­i­ties in Min­neso­ta and Geor­gia to medtech con­sult­ing firm NAM­SA, ac­cord­ing to a Fri­day re­lease. No fi­nan­cial de­tails were dis­closed. Last month, WuXi AppTec al­so