Falls Church Academy is committed to assisting students as they explore their future career interests in the areas of Health and Human Service fields. |
Register for one of these amazing classes at Falls Church Academy to explore and prepare for health and human services careers!!
Registration opened January 6, 2025.
Falls Church Academy Dates To Remember
Jan. 6-9: Snow days
Jan. 13: Inova Stop The Bleed
Jan. 13-17: CPR training for Medical Assistant students
Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day Holiday
Jan. 28: End of 2nd Qtr.
Jan. 29: Professional Workday/Student Holiday
Feb. 4: EMT students visit McConnell Public Safety and Transportation Operations Center
At Open Houses, Curriculum Nights and Elective Fairs, students and parents are excitedly interested in Academy classes for the 2025-2026 academic year. For more information about Falls Church classes and how to apply, visit the Academy course registration page
Click here for the Top 10 reasons why Falls Church Academy is so amazing!
Parking & Transportation at the Academy |
Parking / Transportation: Due to the ongoing renovative at Falls Church High School all Academy students are strongly encouraged to take the free shuttle bus to and from your high school if shuttles are available. Drop-offs and pick-ups will be at Door #4. Shuttle schedules will be posted on our Academy website according to AM, Mid-Day 1, and Mid-Day 2 classes. Student drivers must have an Academy hang tag displayed from their rear view mirror. If you have a base school tag, there is no charge. If you do not have a base school tag, your parking fee is $67.00. Academy parking is located at the Providence Rec Center and student drivers will enter the building through Door #11. Parking is limited and will be prioritized for students without shuttles. For students taking classes at the Plum Center, parking is available in the Plum Center parking lot.
Cell Phone Policy at Falls Church HS Academy |
Falls Church High School has been selected as one of the schools to pilot the new phone-free initiative, beginning September 3. This includes all students attending Falls Church Academy classes as well. Even if the student's base school is not included in this pilot, all Academy students will adhere to this same policy when in Academy classes. Students will need to store cell phones in central storage units in each classroom. Airpods must be secured in the storage unit or placed in backpacks. Smartwatches must be off or on airplane mode. More information will be shared in class.
Attendance: Good attendance is paramount to your success at Falls Church Academy. Our courses are performance-based so it’s absolutely critical you are here to participate. When reporting absences, parents must contact both their child’s base school and Academy attendance offices. The Academy Attendance number is 703.207.4011
For additional academic support at Falls Church Academy, we encourage you to contact:
Emarinn Oundee, Academy School Counselor: eaoundee@fcps.edu
Jill Burrer, Career Experiences: jdburrer@fcps.edu
Rosie Schubring, ESOL Support for Multilingual Learners: raschubring@fcps.edu
Gina Lintott, Special Education: gmlintott@fcps.edu
Muriel Hills, Special Education: mmhills@fcps.edu
I know our courses will make a powerful impact on your education and future decision making. We will provide you with state-of-the-art equipment and professional expertise. I hope you take full advantage of all our courses and become a self-directed and independent learner. Please contact my Administrative Assistant, Karen Fields at 703-207-4011 or kmfields1@fcps.edu with any questions or concerns.
Bill McGreevy
Administrator - Falls Church Academy
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